1 In the midnight silent watches,
What a wondrous voice I hear!
Charming accents sweet and tender,
Music like salute mine ear.
Calling, gently calling,
Wondrous accents, sweet and mild!
Calling, for he loves me:
He loves a little child.
2 Blessed Lord, O great Creator,
How I wonder, can it be,
He that built the starry mansion
Doth regard a child like me. [Chorus]
3 There again I hear thee calling,
In such tender accents near;
Here am I! oh, yes I listen:
Speak, and I will gladly hear. [Chorus]
4 Speak, O Lord, thy servant heareth;
Help thou me to understand;
Here I wait to do thy errands,
And obey, Lord, thy command. [Chorus]
Source: Living Hymns: for use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the church & home #211