1 In the holy Father's keeping,
Sheltered in His strong embrace,
Day by day my soul is resting
In that blood-bought precious place.
Here no evil e'er can harm me,
Here I'm free from sin and pain;
In the holy Father's keeping
Only peace and love can reign.
2 In the holy Father's keeping
There is joy, complete, fulfilled:
Joy which Jesus died to give me,
Yea, His precious blood was spilled
That I might be kept securely,
Through the Father's precious Name,
Kept for glories grand, celestial,
Far above all earthly fame.
3 In the holy Father's keeping,
Jesus, I will pray Thy prayer.
Holy Father, wilt Thou take me?
Wilt Thou guard, protect me there?
By the prayer that Jesus offered,
By His cross, His blood, His love,
Holy Father, in Thy keeping
Take me to Thy realms above.
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #140