1 In the fullness of the blessing there is cleansing,
In the fullness of the blessing there is pow’r,
In the fullness of the blessing of the gospel
There is holiness forevermore.
In the fullness of the blessing I’m rejoicing,
In the fullness of the blessing I am free,
In the fullness of the blessing of the gospel
I have cleansing, “perfect love” and victory.
2 In the fullness of the blessing there is freedom,
In the fullness of the blessing there is peace,
In the fullness of the blessing of the gospel
There are pleasures that shall never cease. [Refrain]
3 In the fullness of the blessing there is comfort,
In the fullness of the blessing there is joy,
In the fullness of the blessing of the gospel
There’s a quietness that nothing can destroy. [Refrain]
4 Would you know this wondrous fullness of the gospel,
Would you be delivered from the carnal mind?
Lay your all a sacrifice upon the altar,
Trust His blood and you’ll this blessing find. [Refrain]
Source: Full Redemption Songs #18