1 In the fight of faith engaging,
Where the battle fierce is raging,
Going forth beneath the royal banner: Love.
Not a word of sad repining,
With your armor brightly shining,
Clothed with power from above.
On, on, keep your armor bright,
On, on, soldiers of the light;
For the victory of Heaven
To the faithful will be given,
Who are fighting for the right.
2 Going where your captain leads you,
True to Him where’er He needs you,
Let your highest pleasure be to follow on;
If you’re true when friends oppress you,
True when men shall curse, not bless you,
You shall wear the victor’s crown. [Refrain]
3 When the roll is called in Heaven,
Crowns of life to men are given,
If you fight the fight of faith while here below;
To the joys that are eternal,
To the life forever vernal,
With your captain you may go. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14687