1 In the distant past, when our century began,
And our land felt a tyrant’s rod,
There arose a cry for the sacred rights of man,
And a loud appeal to God.
Our fathers bravely fought ‘neath the banner of the Lord,
And they conquered every foe,
For the God of might aided freedom and the right,
A hundred years ago.
2 For their lives they fought, for our country and for truth,
For freedom to worship God;
And they gained for us, in our nation’s tired youth,
A release from error’s rod. [Refrain]
3 May the word of truth enter every heart and home,
And the gospel fresh triumphs win,
Till the whole wide world, in a hundred years to come,
Be free from every sin. [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #171