1 In the deep, deep waves of sorrow,
'Mid the strong, swift tides of grief;
Hark, a sound of heav'nly music,
Bringing sweet and sure relief!
Precious music of the Bible!
Music saints and prophets heard!
Bringing hope in times of anguish;
Wondrous music of God's word!
2 Hear it singing, "I am with thee!"
Hear again! "Be not afraid."
Can'st thou fear, when He is near thee,
He, on whom thy trust is stayed? [Refrain]
3 Doth thy way seem hedged about thee?
"I will guide thee with mine eye."
Do the cares of life perplex thee?
"I will answer ere they cry." [Refrain]
4 Art thou weary? Hark, the echo!
"Come, thou weary one, to me;"
Art thou troubled for the future?
"As thy days, thy strength shall be." [Refrain]
Source: Hallowed Hymns, New and Old #68