1 In the chambers of the King--As a guest--
We have access, after leanness, to the best;
All the hurry and the tumult dies away,
And the spirit through its Advocate can pray;
In the chambers of the King, There is rest.
2 In the busy tides of life Cares annoy;
And the gold is here a mixture of alloy;
But within this calm and holy resting place,
We have glimpses of his glory and his face;
In the chambers of the King, There is joy.
3 For the prisoners of hope, There's release;
Here the conflicts of the spirit all may cease;
Tho' without--the storm increases with the night,
And we're weary in our waiting for the light;
In the chambers of the King, There is peace.
4 Like the pilgrims of the olden time We roam,--
And like Jacob have our visions on the stone;
But the coming of the Master draweth near,
And the final gladsome meeting in the air;
In the chambers of the King, There'll be home.
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #147