1 In the carnal state of sin and fear,
There can no rest be found
So press up where the light is clear,
And get on resting ground.
Come, get on resting ground,
Where peace and love abound,
Where Christ alone rules on the throne.
Come, get on resting ground.
2 The battle for awhile may rage,
More fiercely than before,
But all your pow'rs of soul engage,
And it will soon be o'er. [Refrain]
3 But don't give up, although it seem
You have no pow'r to win;
Christ gave His blood you to redeem,
And it does cleanse from sin. [Refrain]
4 Your case may seem a hopeless one,
And Christ seem far away,
Yet in your heart He'll make His throne,
If you desire and pray. [Refrain]
5 O don't delay, each passing hour
But makes your chance the less;
Just promise God to sin no more,
And claim His righteousness. [Refrain]
6 The Spirit's promise is to you
As well as those of yore:
Today by faith your strength renew,
And live forevermore. [Refrain]
7 No matter if you've tried before,
Try yet once more– or die:
There's rest for you in Christ, I'm sure,
He will not you deny. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #264