1 In that precious Book, the Bible,
We may read the story sweet;
How the Lord, our gentle Saviour,
Called the children to His feet.
‘Tis so sweet to know that Jesus
Loves the little children still!
He will make us very happy,
If we try to do His will.
2 How He took them up and blest them,
Held them in His arms so dear;
Spoke to them in words of patience,
Full of sweetness, full of cheer! [Refrain]
3 Now today, we cannot see Him,
But He’s with us all the while;
If we truly try to please Him,
If we seek to have His smile. [Refrain]
4 Kindly He is watching o’er us,
He will hear us, when we pray;
Let us think of Him with gladness,
And His holy Book obey. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #194