1 In that country which lies over Jordan,
In that sweet Paradise over there,
We are going to dwell with the Savior,
And with Him endless glory share.
Over Jordan,
Over Jordan,
In that sweet Paradise over there,
We are going to dwell with the Savior,
And with Him endless glory share.
2 Over there are the beautiful mansions
That the Savior has gone to prepare,
And the city of God, bright and golden,
With its walls deck'd with jewels rare. [Chorus]
3 All the dear ones we lov'd, and who lov'd us,
We shall meet on that sorrowless shore,
Glorified, made immortal and tearless;
We shall meet there to part no more. [Chorus]
4 We shall there see the face of the Father,
Who for mortals such wonders has done;
Who to die for us while we were rebels,
Sent His only begotten Son. [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 2: a collection of gospel hymns #99