1. In songs of sublime adoration and praise,
Ye pilgrims, for Zion who press,
Break forth and extol the great Ancient of days,
His rich and distinguishing grace.
2. His love from eternity fixed upon you,
Broke forth and uncovered its flame,
When each with the cords of His kindness He drew,
And brought you to love His great Name.
3. O! had He not pitied the state you were in,
Your bosoms His love had ne'er felt:
You all would have lived, would have died too in sin,
And sunk with the load of your guilt.
4. What was there in you that could merit esteem,
Or give the Creator delight?
'Twas "Even so, Father," you ever must sing,
"Because it seemed good in Thy sight."
5. Then give all the glory to His holy Name,
To Him all the glory belongs;
Be yours the high joy still to sound forth His fame,
And crown Him in each of your songs.
Source: The New Christian Hymnal #128