Display Title: In Silence My Soul Thirsts First Line: In silence my soul thirsts for God Tune Title: [In silence my soul thirsts for God] Author: Sheldon W. Sorge; Tammy Wiens Date: 2012 Subject: Assurance | ; Church Year | Passion/Palm Sunday; Comfort and Encouragement | ; God | Light from; God | Obedience to; God | Trust in; God as | Refuge; God as | Rock; God as | Shield; God's | Armor; God's | law; God's | Protection; God's | Safety; God's | Strength; God's | Word; Hope | ; Humility | ; Judgment | ; Lord's Prayer | 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Mercy | ; Prayer | ; Remnant of Isarel | ; Renewal | ; Rest | ; Ten Commandments | 8th Commandment (do not steal); Ten Commandments | 9th Commandment (do not bear false witness); Trust | ; Year B, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday |
Psalms for All Seasons #62A