1 In realms of bliss, where all is pure,
Jesus has a place for thee;
His blood has made our title sure,
Jesus has a place for thee.
A place for thee, a place for thee,
Jesus has a place for thee;
In his Father's house where many mansions be,
Jesus has a place for thee.
2 His faithful promise firmly stands,
Jesus has a place for thee;
A place prepared by his own hands,
Jesus has a place for thee. [Chorus]
3 Tho' here oppressed with toil and care,
Jesus has a place for thee;
Sweet rest and peace awaits us there,
Jesus has a place for thee. [Chorus]
4 Then praise his great and wond'rous love,
Jesus has a place for thee;
His saints shall reign with him above,
Jesus has a place for thee. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #12