1. In my heart a song is rising,
Holy peace of twilight calm,
As the Sabbath breathes its blessing,
Vesper hour, of hallowed calm.
Thought of God among us fallen,
Kindled by His breath divine,
Is the wondrous pow’r uniting
Myriad hearts at vesper shrine.
2. Vesper hour, the soul at leisure,
Climbs a sacred Pisgah height,
Views the Promised Land before us
Arched by God’s bright bow of light;
Earth and Heaven seem meeting, blending,
In this richly freighted hour,
Wondrous is the presence round us,
Thrilling with a mystic power.
3. Clouds of incense sweet ascending,
From heart altars to the Lord,
Prayers from loving, waiting servants,
One before the throne of God;
Added sweetness to the Sabbath,
Comes with vesper hallowed time,
Like clear bells in silver chorus
With their mellow distant chime.
4. Some glad day, ’neath flowery arches,
Of our heavenly Father’s love,
Through the gates into the city
May we pass to joy above!
Here, we list the sweet-toned echo
In our Father’s gracious Word;
There, we join the sounding anthem,
Alleluia! praise the Lord!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7061