1 In loftiest strains our sov'reign Lord adore,
In strains, ye sons of men, untun'd before;
2 Sing, sing his name; with praise approach his throne,
And let his pow'r in joyous hymns be shewn:
3 His glory to the nations round declare,
His mighty works let all the people hear:
4 Great is our God, and highly to be prais'd,
Far 'bove the gods that human pride hath rais'd;
5 Gods that to human madness ow'd their birth;
6 While form'd Jehovah heav'ns and seas and earth.
'Fore him authority and pow'r appear;
Beauty and strength in his bright presence are.
7 Ye nations all that by his goodness live,
The honour due unto the Godhead give;
8 Grateful, his great unfathom'd glory sing,
And to his sacred courts your victims bring.
9 In festal pomp his hallow'd dome draw near,
And hail his name with reverential fear.
10 Say to the heathen, that our Lord is God,
That worlds are govern'd by his awful nod;
To him that earth her firm foundation owes,
And that he rules by equitable laws.
11 Rejoice, ye heav'ns--thou earth, exult with joy--
Thou air, thou sea--be this the glad employ
Of all that breathe in earth, in sea, in air--
12 Their joyous transports let the fields declare,
Smile, smile, ye woods; let flow'rs, let fruits around
Adorn your boughs; let verdure cloath the ground;
13 Be gay, all nature, for he comes, he comes;
The judge, th' impartial judge, he now assumes;
He comes the righteous from their foes to free,
He comes to rule the world with equity.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #XCVI