1 In Jesus who was crucify'd,
Alone we glory and confide;
Let ev'ry tongue with joy confess,
The Lord our strength and righteousness.
2 For us redemption to obtain,
The spotless Lamb of God was slain;
Saints triumph in his glorious name,
Who by his death our foes o'ercame.
3 To banish all our griefs and fears,
For us the great high Priest appears;
Jesus that suffer'd in our stead,
For ever lives our case to plead.
4 Behold, enthron'd at God's right hand,
Our powerful intercessor stand!
The Father's reconciled face
Our joyful souls with rapture trace.
5 Whoe'er shall God's elect condemn?
Since Christ that di'd now lives again;
Nor earth, nor hell, can e'er remove
His saints, his fav'rites, from his love.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CLXIV