1 In glad amazement, Lord, I stand,
Amidst the bounties of thy hand.
How numberless those bounties are!
How rich, how various, and how fair!
2 But O! what poor returns I make!
What lifeless thanks I pay thee back!
Lord! I confess with humble shame,
My off'rings scarce deserve the name.
3 Fain would my lab'ring heart devise
To bring some nobler sacrifice.
It sinks beneath the mighty load:
What shall I render to my God?
4 To him I consecrate my praise,
And vow the remnant of my days.
Yet, what at best, I can pretend,
Worthy such gifts from such a friend?
5 In deep abasement, Lord, I see
My emptiness and poverty.
Enrich my soul with grace divine,
And make me worthier to be thine.
6 Give me at length an angel's tongue,
That heav'n may echo with my song.
The theme, too great for time, shall be
The joy of long eternity.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #49
First Line: | In glad amazement Lord I stand |
Author: | Philip Doddridge |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |