1 In darkness I lingered 'mid doubt and despair,
Sin's bondage long held me a captive to care;
But Jesus delivered my soul from its chains,
His precious blood cleans'd me from sin's guilty stains.
Get right with God!
His pardon is free,
Get right with God,
He's waiting for thee;
Our Jesus is calling, "Oh, come unto me!"
Take Him, O sinner, and get right with God.
2 The world and its pleasures did tempt me to stray,
I saw not the danger that lurk'd on the way;
The toils clos'd around me, I knew no release,
But Jesus has found me and giv'n me His peace. [Chorus]
3 The pathway to Calv'ry is toilsome and hard,
Yet tread it, O faint me, and find thy reward;
Here lay down thy burden, and wash in the stream
That flows like a fountain thy soul to redeem. [Chorus]
4 Repent while He calls thee, while yet it is day,
Take with thee His gift of free pardon away;
Take Christ for thy Saviour, Redeemer, and Friend, His love will sustain thee secure to the end. [Chorus]
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #15