1 I wait, Lord, for thee,
Thy beauty to see;
I'm waiting for thee, for thy coming;
Thou'rt gone over there
A place to prepare,
Thy home I shall share at thy coming.
2 Whilst thou art away,
I watch and I pray -
O hasten the day of thy coming;
This is not my rest,
A pilgrim confess'd,
I wait to be blest at thy coming.
3 Our loved ones before,
Their troubles are o'er,
I'll meet them once more at thy coming;
The blood was the sign
That marked them as thine,
And brightly they'll shine at thy coming.
4 E'en now let my days
Be bright with thy praise,
For brief are the days ere thy coming;
I'm waiting for thee,
Thy beauty to see,
No triumph for me like thy coming.
Source: Praise Him: containing many new and some of the best of the old hymns and tunes for all occasions of Christian work and worship #15