1 I’m trusting in my Pilot Who shall keep my ship from harm,
No waves can overwhelm me, and no tempest can alarm;
When storms of life are raging I am safe within His arm,
My Pilot guides me homeward to the harbor!
I’m trusting in my Pilot in storm or sunshine bright,
I’m trusting in my Pilot in darkness or in light;
I’m sailing ever onward by faith, and not by sight,
My Pilot guides me homeward to the harbor!
2 I’m trusting in my Pilot when the ocean billows roll,
No rocks can ever wreck me and I fear no hidden shoal;
For He shall bring me safely to the haven of the soul,
My Pilot guides me homeward to the harbor! [Refrain]
3 I’m trusting in my Pilot when the skies are overcast,
The sun will soon be shining and the perils all be past;
Rejoicing, I shall anchor on the golden shore at last,
My Pilot guides me homeward to the harbor! [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #8