1 I’m resting, calmly resting
By my Savior’s side;
In his bosom nestling
I would ever hide;
While in his arms he folds me,
Let the tempest roar;
While his strong hand upholds me,
I will fear no more.
Resting now in Jesus,
Blessed, blessed rest;
By the side of Jesus
I am ever blest;
Resting, sweetly resting
In my faithful Friend,
Resting, ever resting
Till this life shall end.
2 I’m resting every moment
In his mighty hand;
By his great atonement
I am made to stand;
No sinful tho’t can vex me
When my Savior’s near,
No doubt or fear perplex me
When his voice I hear. [Refrain]
3 I’m resting and abiding
In my Savior’s love,
Trustingly confiding
In my God above;
I know he’ll never leave me
While this world shall last,
In glory he’ll receive me
When this life is past. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #80