I'm an Heir

I'm an heir with the Son of God

Author: Haldor Harris
Tune: [I'm an heir with the Son of God]
Published in 2 hymnals

Printable scores: PDF, Noteworthy Composer
Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1 I’m an heir with the Son of God,
Saved from sin by His cleans­ing blood,
And my name is re­cord­ed
With the re­deemed on high;
Pain and sor­row I here may know,
Life but lit­tle of wealth be­stow,
But there’s glad­ness un­end­ing
Waiting me by and by.

I’m an heir, joint heir with Christ,
To the home so bright and fair;
I’m an heir, His blood suf­ficed,
And I’m go­ing e’er long
Its glo­ries for aye to share!

2 I’m an heir, and it cheers my soul,
Tho’ the thun­ders around me roll,
For my Father is watch­ing
Over me day by day;
Nothing ev­er my hope can dim,
For in faith I am trust­ing Him,
And He ten­der­ly guides and
Blesses me all the way. [Refrain]

3 I’m an heir to the home ab­ove,
Thro’ my Savior’s re­deem­ing love,
Since my par­don He free­ly
Purchased on Cal­va­ry;
By His change­less eter­nal grace,
I’m ac­cord­ed with Him a place,
Where, ’mid plea­sures un­told, I’ll
Dwell thro’ eter­ni­ty. [Refrain]

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16381

Author: Haldor Harris

(no biographical information available about Haldor Harris.) Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: I'm an heir with the Son of God
Title: I'm an Heir
Author: Haldor Harris
Language: English
Refrain First Line: I'm an heir, joint-heir with Christ
Publication Date: 1916
Copyright: Public Domain


The Cyber Hymnal #16381
  • PDF (PDF)
  • Noteworthy Composer Score (NWC)


Instances (1 - 1 of 1)

The Cyber Hymnal #16381

Include 1 pre-1979 instance
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