1 If we walk in the light of our Saviour and Friend,
I we walk, in the light;
There are pleasures in Jesus that never can end,
I we walk, in the light.
If we walk in the light of our Saviour and Friend,
Then our song cannot cease and our bliss cannot end,
I we walk, in the light,
I we walk, in the light of God.
2 There’ll be fellowship sweet with the friends of our Lord,
I we walk, in the light;
And a bliss that earth’s pleasures can never afford,
I we walk, in the light. [Chorus]
3 And the song of redemption on earth shall begin,
I we walk, in the light;
For the blood of our Saviour shall cleanse from all sin,
I we walk, in the light. [Chorus]
Source: Gems and Jewels #86