1 If some little sunbeam, so warm and bright,
Should say that he would not shine,
Then some little flower that loved the light
In darkness would droop and pine.
Working together, oh, that is the way!
Helping each other from day to day—
We’ll work and we’ll sing,
And our service we’ll bring,
And then for God’s blessing we’ll pray.
2 If some little rosebud, so pink and fair,
Should say that she would not bloom,
Then some little boy, or a girl so dear,
Would miss all its sweet perfume. [Refrain]
3 If some little bird in the tree top tall
Refuses to sing today,
Then life will be sadder for each and all
Who pass through the woodland way. [Refrain]
4 If some little child—oh, I hope not you—
Should say that he would not smile,
Then some one that loves you, so kind and true,
Must grieve for it all the while. [Refrain]
5 Then is it not better to do our share,
Each one in his own good way?
Then the birds and children, and sunbeams fair
Will be with the flow’rs so gay. [Refrain]
Source: Worship and Service #167