1 If life’s pleasures charm thee,
Give them not thy heart.
Lest the gift ensnare thee
From thy God to part;
His favor seek, His praises speak—
Fix here thy hope’s salvation;
Serve Him, and He will ever be
The Rock of thy salvation.
2 If distress befall thee,
Painful though it be,
Let not grief appall thee—
To your Savior flee;
He ever near, thy prayer will hear,
And calm your perturbation;
The waves of woe shall ne’er o’erflow
The Rock of thy salvation.
3 When earth’s prospects fail thee,
Let it not distress;
Better comforts wait thee—
Christ will surely bless;
To Jesus flee—thy prop He’ll be,
Thy heav’nly consolation;
For griefs below cannot o’er throw
The Rock of thy salvation.
4 Dangers may approach thee;
Let them not alarm;
Christ will ever watch thee,
And protect from harm;
He near thee stands, with mighty hands,
To ward off each temptation;
To Jesus fly; He’s ever nigh,
The Rock of thy salvation.
5 Let not death alarm thee,
Shrink not from his blow;
For thy God shall arm thee,
And vict’ry bestow,
For death shall bring to thee no sting,
The grave no desolation;
’Tis sweet to die with Jesus nigh,
The Rock of thy salvation.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13437