1 If life to you seems cold and gray,
Wait not, but turn to Christ today;
Have you not heard that Christ is kind?
Oh, sinner, seek and you shall find.
Knock at the door, you need not fear,
Knock at the door and Christ shall hear;
Knock at the door, knock at the door,
And you shall find peace for evermore.
2 Let not the world your courage quell;
Cast off the evil spirit’s spell;
Have you not heard that Christ is kind?
Oh, sinner, seek and you shall find. [Refrain]
3 The cross shines brightly thro’ the gloom,
And shorn of terror is the tomb;
Have you not heard that Christ is kind?
Oh, sinner, seek and you shall find. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Help: for the Sunday school, evangelistic and church services #67