1 If life is dreary and shadows creep in,
Filling your heart with a sense of its sin;
If on the billows of doubting you toss,
Weary ones, hear then the call of the cross!
Hear, O ye weary ones, the call of the cross!
Hear, O ye dreary ones, the call of the cross.
Look up to Jesus the Savior of men,
He will give peace to your hearts once again.
2 Hearts that are breaking ‘neath burdens of grief,
Call upon Jesus and find sweet relief.
Ho, heavy laden! tell him of your loss,
Comfort is yours through the “call of the cross!” [Chorus]
3 Ho, tongues that praise him! ye silver in speech!
Tell of his goodness, the way-farers teach;
Up and to work! earthly pleasures are dross,
Bring to the waiting “the call of the cross!” [Chorus]
Source: Songs for Work and Worship #12