1 If I knew that word of mine—
A word not kind and true
Might leave its trace on some loved face,
I’d now speak harshly—would you?
2 If I knew this walk of mine
To ways of evil drew,
Some precious life, in paths of strife,
I’d not walk in it—would you?
3 If I knew this life of mine
With acts of good so few
Led one astray in evil’s way,
I’d not live sinful—would you?
4 If I knew that smile of mine
Might linger the day through,
And light some heart with heavier past,
I’d not withhold it—would you?
5 As I know this soul of mine
Must live in heav’n anew,
I’ll speak and smile and walk the while
As in God’s presence—won’t you?
Source: Calvary's Praises #191