1 If Christ is mine, then all is mine,
And more than angels know;
Both present things and things to come,
And grace and glory too.
2 If He is mine, then, though He frown,
He never will forsake;
His chastisements all work for good,
And but His love bespeak.
3 If He is mine, I need not fear
The rage of earth and hell;
He will support my feeble frame,
And all their power repel.
4 If He is mine, let friends forsake,
And earthly comforts flee;
He, the Dispenser of all good,
Is more than these to me.
5 If He is mine, I'll fearless pass
Through death's tremendous vale;
He'll be my Comfort and my Stay
When heart and flesh shall fail.
6 Let Jesus tell me He is mine,
I nothing want beside;
My soul shall at the Fountain live
When all the streams are dried.
Source: The Hymnal: published by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. #551