Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $25.00 The stunning harmonizations of 31 well-known hymn tunes offered in this second volume are guaranteed to enhance congregational singing. This useful collection provides solid settings that fully suppor… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Advent Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $12.50 Imaginative, lyrical, practical, worthy literature for amateur/professional. Interdenominational in scope and appeal. Minimal technical demands. Ample opportunity for expressive tonal "color" inher… | |
Handbells Handchimes File download from Lorenz Publishing $5.95 Set in a direct and uncluttered style, three instantly recognizable Palm Sunday tunes are united in a brilliantly conceived composition designed to set the stage for the drama played out during Christ… | |
Handbells Handchimes Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $5.95 Set in a direct and uncluttered style, three instantly recognizable Palm Sunday tunes are united in a brilliantly conceived composition designed to set the stage for the drama played out during Christ… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $39.00 Now includes a Bonus CD!Charles Callahan is not only known as a respected composer and recitalist, but is also known as a creative church
musician. His years of leading worship from the console are… | |
Organ Pentecost File download from Lorenz Publishing $33.00 The liturgical season from Easter to Trinity Sunday is a significant period in the life of the church, but it can often present programming challenges for even the most gifted organist. Here, organize… | |
Organ Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 The liturgical season from Easter to Trinity Sunday is a significant period in the life of the church, but it can often present programming challenges for even the most gifted organist. Here, organize… | |
Handbells Handchimes Lent Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $59.95 The intense drama, pageantry, and ultimate triumph experienced by our Lord during His last days on earth are vividly portrayed in these eight easy and familiar hymn-tune settings. Playable by handbell… | |
Piano Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $22.95 Moderately Easy • For Pentecost and all year 'round, Lani Smith's "Reflections on the Holy Spirit" focuses on hymns about the third Person of the Trinity. There are reflective pieces that will serve… | |
Piano Pentecost File download from Lorenz Publishing $22.95 Moderately Easy • For Pentecost and all year 'round, Lani Smith's "Reflections on the Holy Spirit" focuses on hymns about the third Person of the Trinity. There are reflective pieces that will serve… |