1 If aught of thy life should be savored with sorrow,
Or part of thy pathway o'ershadowed with gloom,
Then be not dismayed, 'twill be better tomorrow,
When the sun shall break forth in the splendor of noon,
Then to Jesus draw near,
Ever be of good cheer;
Then to Jesus draw near,
Ever be of good cheer,
He knows all thy sorrow,
And thy pray'r he will hear.
2 Should ever the weight of a sad thought perplex thee;
Or waken a chord that sounds harsh to thine ear,
Then whisper a pray'r, for thy Savior will hear thee;
And mark the sweet chime in the fall of a tear, [Chorus]
3 Go gather the sunshine and scatter it sweetly;
Where needed assistance is ever made known,
Be one of the few who in life's course completely
Are lost to themselves, but their Savior enthrone, [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #170