1 I will trust in the Lord, for His love will endure,
And I know that He faithful will be.
I will rest in His love for His promise is sure;
He will save me, yes, save even me.
Yes, I’ll trust Him ev’ry day, follow all the way,
I’ll trust Him till heaven I see;
I will live in His grace till I see His dear face,
For I know that He loves even me.
2 When temptations may come He can keep me from sin,
And no tempest or foe need I fear;
He the tempest will still and the battle will win,
If I trust in my Savior so dear. [Refrain]
3 I will trust in His love, tho’ He leads through the vale
Where shadows may darken the way,
For the light shines above and a flowery dale
I will find if I trust Him each day. [Refrain]
Source: Sunshine No. 2: songs for the Sunday school #116