Scripture References:
st. 1 = Ps. 89:1
st. 2 = Ps. 89:5, 8, 1
Composed by James Fillmore around the turn of the century, this song became popular during the 1960s and, later, in the movement to sing the Scriptures in simple chorus settings. Stanza 1 is identical to the King James Version for Psalm 89:1. Marie J. Post (PHH 5) added a second stanza based partially on 89:5, 8 in 1983. The biblical text versified in this song expresses the praise due to God from all creatures–both earthly and angelic–for his covenant faithfulness and mercy. For further commentary on this psalm see PHH 89.
Liturgical Use:
Beginning of worship and other points of praise in worship; baptisms (especially easy for children to learn); after confession of sin and reassurance of forgiveness, when worshipers will want to praise God for his mercy. See also PHH 89.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook, 1988