1 “I will not forsake thee,” precious words divine,
Like a beacon light upon my pathway shine;
When the darking clouds would fill my soul with fear,
To my trusting heart there comes this word of cheer.
“I will not forsake thee,”
“I will not forsake thee,”
I am thy Redeemer,
“I will not forsake thee.”
2 “I will not forsake thee,” blessed news to all
Who, in faith believing, on His name will call;
Tho’ afar our falt’ring feet from Him have stray’d,
Yet, we hear His precious words “Be not afraid.” [Refrain]
3 “I will not forsake thee,” echoes down the years,
Not a storm of life but this bow of hope appears;
And when deepest sorrows like sea-billows roll,
Softly comes a loving whisper to my soul. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Praise: for Use in Gospel Meetings, Evangelistic Services ... #74