1 I will bless the Lord at all times,
For his goodness unto me,
For the joys of his salvation,
For his love so full and free.
I will bless the Lord, bless the Lord,
bless the Lord at all times,
And praise him, praise him,
Praise him o’er and o’er,
I will bless the Lord, bless the Lord,
bless the Lord at all times,
Till I strike my harp in Zion
With his saints forevermore.
2 I will bless the Lord, my Father,
For his kindness day by day,
For his loving arms around me,
For his sunshine on my way. [Chorus]
3 I will bless the Lord, my Saviour,
For he died to ransom me,
That he lives and reigns forever,
And his glory I shall see. [Chorus]
4 I will bless the Holy Spirit,
That my soul is sanctified,
For his promise and his presence,
Ev’ry day my loving guide. [Chorus]
Source: Living Hymns: for use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the church & home #138