1 I was once bound in chains, as a captive I lay
‘Neath the snare of the tempter under sin’s mighty sway,
But the Lord, bless His name, spoke deliv’rance to me,
Ring the glad gospel bells, I am free, I am free.
Ring the bells of freedom from the pow’r of sin,
Ring the bells of freedom from its stains within,
Ring the bells of freedom,
Ring the bells of freedom,
Freedom from the pow’r of sin.
2 I was once strayed away on the mountain so cold,
Far away from the Shepherd, far away from the fold,
But the Lord, bless His name, sought the mountains around,
Ring the glad gospel bells, I am found, I am found. [Chorus]
3 I was once very deaf to the call of the Lord,
I was once very blind to the light of His word,
But the Lord, bless His name, touched my eye and my ear,
Ring the glad gospel bells, I can see, I can hear. [Chorus]
4 Ring the glad gospel bells, let the music resound
Far and near in the darkness where a soul may be found;
Ring the glad gospel bells, sound the message of peace,
Tell the world that from sin there’s a blessed release. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #73