1 I wait for Thee, O Lord!
Thy glorious face to see,
That holy face that once was marred,
Was marred, O Lord, for me.
2 I wait for Thee, O Lord!
Before Thy feet to fall,
To worship lowly and adore
My Saviour, all in all.
3 I wait for Thee, O Lord!
Thy loving hand to feel,
Whose tender touch can even now
The wounded spirit heal.
4 I wait for Thee, O Lord!
Thy rapture deep to know,
Of living evermore with Thee;
Love cannot more bestow.
5 I wait for Thee, O Lord!
But for a little while;
This night my longing, eyes may meet
Thy joyful, welcome smile.
Source: Gospel Hymns No. 6 #85