1 I think of yon bright mansion,
Within the jasper walls,
And then I think of Jesus,
Who reigneth over all.
On Jesus, the sure foundation,
Broken and cleft for me;
Resting in sweetness,
And full completeness,
I wait till He calls for me.
2 I read of streets all golden,
Of gates of precious stone,
But nought to me so precious,
As God’s beloved Son. [Chorus]
3 I know that my dear Saviour
Will ope, with golden key,
The gates so bright and pearly,
At last for you and me. [Chorus]
4 One look of life from Jesus
Will fill my raptured soul
With joy and heav’nly sweetness,
Beyond my heart’s control. [Chorus]
5 One smile of recognition,
To show that I am His,
Will be a full fruition,
A perfect sea of bliss. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #107