1 I stood by the side of the murmuring sea,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee;
When the sunshine its beauty revealed unto me,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee;
Then I thought of my Savior who years long ago
Came to tell the glad story, His love to bestow,
As He stood by the side of that murmuring sea,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee.
2 I sailed in a ship on that billowy sea,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee;
While the voice of the tempest was saying to me,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee;
Then I thought of the hearts who once tossed on the wave
When they cried in their peril to Him who could save;
How the Master spoke peace to that billowy sea,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee.
3 I love to recall the bright silvery sea,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee;
For its wonderful story is precious to me,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee;
As it tells of my Savior who came from above,
With the treasures of mercy and infinite love,
Standing there by the side of that silvery sea,
Sweet Galilee, sweet Galilee.
Source: Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the home #100
First Line: | I stood by the side of the murmuring sea |
Title: | Sweet Galilee |
Author: | Neal A. McAulay |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |