1. I shall see him, I shall see him,
Whom my soul hath long adored;
See the King in all his beauty,
To his royal right restored.
He who once despised, rejected,
On the cross was left to die;
Soon shall come in brightest glory,
For his coming draweth nigh.
2. I shall see him, I shall see him,
Oh, the rapture of the thought;
These same eyes shall soon behold him
Who with blood my pardon bought;
For we've seen the signs of promise,
We have heard the "midnight cry;"
Haste, my soul, go forth to meet him,
For his coming draweth nigh.
3. I shall see him, I shall see him,
Praise the Lord, 'twill not be long;
Heralded by heavenly songsters,
Welcomed by the blood-washed throng;
He'll return the self-same Jesus,
From the glory mantled sky;
Wake, ye saints, arouse, be ready,
For his coming draweth nigh.
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #153