1 I shall be with my dear Lord some day
In a land from sin made whole,
There to dwell in peace with Him for aye,
Blessed homeland of the soul.
O the joy of yonder land divine,
Blessed homeland of the soul;
Peace and rest will be forever mine,
Blessed homeland of the soul.
2 Cares of earth forever overpast,
When I reach that golden strand,
Skies with clouds no longer overcast,
When I join that ransom band. [Refrain]
3 Sighs and bitter tears forever gone
In that realm of perfect love;
No more strife of life, the vict’ry won,
In that land prepared above. [Refrain]
4 There the pow’r of sin is known no more,
From its curse I shall be free;
Safe with Christ to dwell forevermore,
In my Home eternally. [Refrain]
Source: Revival Gems No. 3: A Great Collection in a Modest Book #28