1 I need Thee, blessed Jesus,
For I am very poor;
I need those precious treasures
From Thine own boundless store—
The gold refined by furnace,
The raiment spotless white,
The eye-salve too, anointing,
That I may see aright.
2 I need Thee, loving Shepherd,
I need Thy constant care,
To guide me on life’s journey,
And all the way prepare.
I need Thine arms around me,
To hold me lest I fall—
O more and more I need Thee!
My only Hope, my All.
3 How much I need Thee, Saviour,
No words of mine can tell.
But as Thou knowest fully,
All is and must be well,
And Thou, beloved Master,
Wilt all my need supply,
For Thou Thyself hast promised—
Thy word can never die.
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #567