1 I love to serve my Jesus, a priv’lege so sublime,
My life afresh with beauty bright is sparkling all the time;
’Mid scenes that are unfading, of rapture and of bliss,
Transported, I am soaring in my Savior’s righteousness.
I love to serve my Jesus, He’s all in all to me;
He helps me bear each burden, He is my victory.
2 I love to serve my Jesus, the world I do give up,
I’ll drink with my dear Savior from that bitter, bitter cup;
I know that if I suffer with Him I, too, shall reign
In life and up in glory bright—sweet promise sure I claim. [Refrain]
3 I love to serve my Jesus, and lean upon His arm
In health or in affliction, in the calm or in the storm;
In darkness, clouds, or sunshine, in heat or in the cold,
In poverty or riches, I have peace and joy untold. [Refrain]
4 I love to serve my Jesus, for all His tender care;
Oh, joy! and what a pleasure in this life we all may share;
Oh, depth of great compassion! ’tis like a mighty flood,
He gave His pledge of love to us, and sealed it with His blood. [Refrain]
Hymnal of the Church of God, 1953 (Timeless Truths)