1 I love the Lord with all my heart,
For He hath bid all sin depart;
His precious blood to me applied,
Has all my nature purified.
Oh, love divine, so full and free,
My blessed Saviour giveth me;
His praises willI ever sing,
And glorify my heav'nly King.
2 I love the Lord will all my might,
All darkness He has turned to light,
While walking in the narrow way,
The smile of Jesus makes it day. [Refrain]
3 My heart was full of anxious care,
My burdens seemed too great to bear;
But leaving all at Jesus' feet,
I found sweet rest and joy complete. [Refrain]
4 The love of Jesus casts out fear,
The love of Jesus dries each tear;
The love of Jesus makes me love,
And honor Him who reigns above [Refrain]
Source: Singing by the Way (Rev. ed.) #40