1 I know thou art gone to the home of thy rest;
Then why should my soul be so sad?
I know thou art gone where the weary are blest,
And the mourner looks up, and is glad.
I never look up with a wish to the sky,
But a light like thy beauty is there;
And I hear a low murmur, like thine, in reply,
When I pour out my spirit in prayer.
2 In thy far-away home, wherever it be,
I know thou hast visions of mine;
And my heart hath revealings of thine and of thee,
In many a token and sign. [Chorus]
3 In the hush of the night, on the waste of the sea,
Or alone with the breeze on the hill,
I have ever a presence that whispers of thee,
And my spirit lies down and is still. [Chorus]
Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #90