1 I know the hope which the Christians possess,
Gives joy and comfort thro’ all earth’s distress;
In yonder country, that’s free from all stains,
We’ll live forever where Jesus reigns.
Jesus reigns is the message the angels declare;
Jesus reigns, all the ransom’d His glory shall share;
Jesus reigns, He’s the light of that city so fair,
Oh, that will be heaven and glory forever where Jesus reigns.
2 Homes are so happy where this hope doth hold,
They’ll live up yonder on streets of pure gold;
Death cannot harm them, they’re free from His chains,
Life is eternal, for Jesus reigns.
Jesus reigns is the message the angels declare;
Jesus reigns, all the ransom’d His glory shall share;
Jesus reigns, He’s the light of that city so fair,
Oh, that will be heaven and glory forever where Jesus reigns.
3 Some day I’ll rise to that world all unknown,
See Jesus seated up there on His throne;
And see the cleft that was made for my stains,
Blest Rock of Ages, King Jesus reigns.
Jesus reigns is the message the angels declare;
Jesus reigns, all the ransom’d His glory shall share;
Jesus reigns, He’s the light of that city so fair,
Oh, that will be heaven and glory forever where Jesus reigns.
4 Friends will be there whom we loved long ago,
Where crystal river forever will flow;
They shall be like Him, no earth scar remains,
Transform’d forever for, Jesus reigns.
Jesus reigns is the message the angels declare;
Jesus reigns, all the ransom’d His glory shall share;
Jesus reigns, He’s the light of that city so fair,
Oh, Thine is the kingdom and glory forever where Jesus reigns.
Source: Calvary's Praises #181