1 I know not the field where the Master today
Would have me to glean, and the sheaves gather in;
But this I do know, He will show me the way
to garner the souls I am striving to win.
He knoweth the way,
His will I obey,
Whatever befall,
I can trust Him for all;
He knoweth, He knoweth the way.
2 A prayer, or a tear, of a glance of the eye,
May soften a heart that is careless or cold;
The Spirit will help me, if only I try
To lead a lost sinner back into the fold. [Refrain]
3 I cannot quite tell where today He will lead,
Or say on what errand He'll ask me to go;
And yet I am sure that whatever my need,
His wisdom and grace he will freely bestow. [Refrain]
Coronation Hymns, 1910