1 I heard the blessed song of God’s free grace,
How poor and needy souls His love could trace;
I heard that Jesus bled upon the tree,—
I wondered if that blood was shed for me.
Wonderful salvation!
Boundless, deep and wide and so free,
Wonderful salvation;
Purchased by His death upon the tree.
2 I cam unto the cross with burdened soul,
I cried for cleaning grace to make me whole;
I laid my weary heart at Jesus’ feet,
And there I felt His pard’ning love so sweet. [Refrain]
3 And now I love to work for Him each day,
‘Tis sweet to have His spirit lead the way,
His word is ever precious to my soul,
His love shall be my song while ages roll. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Sovereign Grace #40