1 I have surrendered to the Lord,
The world no longer pleases;
I’m yielding all to his control,
Accepting only Jesus.
2 How tenderly he holds my hand!
Thro’ pastures green he leads me;
My thirsting soul he satisfies,
With heavenly manna feeds me.
3 By day by night he’s always near,
Sweet joy and comfort bringing;
Oh, how my soul exults anew
When praise to Jesus singing.
4 No noonday drought affects my soul,
In Jesus I’m confiding;
Oh, constant, sweet companionship,
With Christ in me abiding.
5 Oh, victory that’s always sure!
Oh, blest emancipation!
Oh, vanquished tempter of my soul!
Oh, free and full salvation!
Source: Melodious Sonnets #32