1 I have heard my Saviour calling,
Calling me to service true;
I am willing, I am ready,
Blessed Lord, Thy will to do.
But I must have Jesus with me,
All the way, ev’ry day,
I will go with joy and gladness,
If my Lord with me will stay;
Here am I, Lord, for Thy service,
I will give up all for Thee;
I am ready, I am willing,
Lord, if Thou wilt go with me.
2 If my way be dark and cheerless,
And through shadows I must go;
Give the sunshine of Thy presence,
Ever there Thy will to know. [Refrain]
3 Cleanse my heart from vain ambition,
Keep me humble, Lord, for Thee;
My desire is for Thy service,
And my cry is “Lord, send me.” [Refrain]
4 Lord, to work for Thee is glorious,
And Thy smile is wondrous sweet;
Take me, use me, fill me, Master,
As a sacrifice complete. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #188